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Enel Cuore launches two new calls for ideas

The Christmas holidays come to a close, as we begin the new year with two new calls for ideas, promoted by Enel Cuore.

The first, Mettiamo su casa!” (Let’s make a home!), encourages third sector organisations to propose projects promoting independent living for young adults (over the age of 18) with intellectual and relational disabilities, favouring innovative lifestyle patterns based on the individual’s needs, on the occupational opportunities offered by the local area and on a home environment that recalls that in which the individual was raised.

The second, Inclusione scolastica degli studenti con bisogni educativi speciali (BES)”, calls on associations and schools to propose projects that involve young adults with Special Educational Needs, engaging the entire class in sports, as well as educational, artistic and cultural activities.

The deadline to propose projects for both initiatives is February 15, 2017, by sending the relevant form to the email address enelcuore.onlus@enel.com.

Further information on the two calls is available below: