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I campioni della pizza

I campioni della pizza

With the Cooperativa Sociale Agricola “Pane e Signore” for the inclusion of disadvantaged youth in Genoa and Naples.


There are certain urban areas that face more significant social, economic, and demographic challenges than others, such as some neighborhoods in the cities of Genoa and Naples, where educational poverty and social tensions make life difficult for young people. Therefore, the actions of third-sector organizations that help young people regain confidence in themselves, providing them with opportunities for redemption, are crucial. This is precisely what the Cooperativa Sociale Agricola “Pane e Signore” does, an organization we have been supporting since its inception in 2012. We chose to support the cooperative from its foundation because we strongly believe in the paths to autonomy for vulnerable young people it promotes, primarily operating in the field of social agriculture.

Sometimes, change begins with something as simple as a pizza. That's what happened with the "I Campioni della Pizza" project, which we have chosen to support. The initiative involves young people from reception communities in Genoa and the Day Center of the "Opera di Don Guanella" in Naples, offering them new prospects through work in the restaurant industry. How? By engaging them in the production and sale of bakery products, particularly pizza, these young people with significant educational needs—often caused by the lack of adult guidance—and other social vulnerabilities find a fresh start. Pizzas are prepared and sold in Genoa, in a rented facility, and in Naples, in the spaces of the Day Center Don Guanella. What does this achieve? It involves young people in a very practical activity, linked to the territory, such as the preparation of bakery products, and launches two real entrepreneurial initiatives in two very different contexts, the differences of which contribute to mutual enrichment.

The goal is to guide young people on a path that leads them to regain confidence in themselves and their abilities, making them capable of realizing themselves and establishing mature and fruitful relationships with others, eventually acquiring genuine personal and professional autonomy, with meetings with companies and the implementation of personal projects.

But not only that: in addition to supporting young people, new gastronomic cultures are valued, and traditional flavors are rediscovered, through the exchange of information and practices among different local and national realities. Furthermore, collaboration with other organizations extends to the distribution of meals to elderly or marginalized people, creating a solidary social network.

In summary, " I Campioni della Pizza" is a project that involves the entire community, creating value for society and fostering new forms of collaboration and development.



Location: Genoa and Naples

Association: Cooperativa Sociale Agricola “Pane e Signore”

Beneficiaries: Approximately 100 young people between the ages of 14 and 25

Requested Contribution: €150,000

Years: September 2022 – March 2024