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Ermanno Olmi Youth Center and Azimuth Day Center

Ermanno Olmi Youth Center and Azimuth Day Center

We support the Don Gino Rigoldi Foundation to give new opportunities to young people in the suburbs of Milan.


The problem of social exclusion, especially among young people, particularly affects the peripheral and marginal areas of cities: the peripheral areas of Milan are no exception, with their high population density and social and economical fragility from which they derive low schooling and disoccupation. An uncomfortable situation that puts young people at risk of marginalization, substance abuse and illegal behavior.

It’s right here that Don Gino Rigoldi Foundation acts with Ermanno Olmi Youth Center and Azimuth Day Center, which we support: the aim is to reinforce educational and therapeutic activities of the two centers, to avoid school dropout and prevent and solve problems arising from the use of narcotics.

Don Gino Rigoldi Foundation has always acted in support of the poorest, with particular attention to minors and young people, carrying on the soul and the mission with which Don Gino Rigoldi entered the juvenile prison of Milan for the first time, in 1972. Foundation’s objectives are the full integration into society and work and the people’s valorization in their relational and educational dimension.

Ermanno Olmi Youth Center and Azimuth Day Center, thanks to a team of educators, put in place all the necessary tools to offer opportunities to those who find themselves in conditions of social and economic disadvantage and, at the same time, recover those young people who want to redesign their lives following a criminal case. A commitment realized through school support activities, educational and creative workshops, sports and musical activities and excursions: all relational opportunities with which to accompany children towards the adult world in a positive and inclusive way.

Centers also offer personalized therapeutic treatment paths, including art therapy, psychotherapy and family mediation.

Creating a safe socialization contest will concretely offer an alternative to social hardship and marginalization to give new life to the dreams and hopes of young people of these suburbs.



City: Milan

Association: Don Gino Rigoldi Foundation

Intended beneficiaries: young people of Milan’s suburbs

Contribution: up to € 190.000

Period: August 2021 - July 2023